Guide to Selecting the Best 18 Gauge Gloves for Your Business Needs

23 Apr, 2024

By hqt

18 gauge gloves

In any business, ensuring the safety of workers is paramount. One crucial aspect of this is providing appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), including gloves. Among the wide array of gloves available, 18 gauge gloves stand out for their versatility and effectiveness across various industries. Manufactured by NMSafety, these gloves offer a blend of protection and dexterity that makes them indispensable in environments where safety is paramount.

1. Understanding Your Industry Requirements

1.1 Construction:

The construction industry relies heavily on 18 gauge gloves to protect workers' hands from sharp objects, abrasions, and punctures.

Specific requirements may include resistance to abrasion from rough surfaces and protection from cuts when handling sharp materials like glass or metal.

1.2 Manufacturing:

In manufacturing, 18 gauge gloves are essential for safeguarding against machinery-related injuries and handling materials with sharp edges.

Requirements may vary depending on the specific manufacturing processes, such as resistance to oil and chemicals.

1.3 Food Processing:

Within the food processing industry, hygiene is paramount. 18 gauge gloves provide protection while maintaining dexterity, allowing workers to handle food safely.

Requirements include compliance with food safety regulations and resistance to contamination.

2. Assessing Hazard Levels

2.1 Importance of Hazard Assessment:

Conducting a thorough assessment of workplace hazards is essential to determine the appropriate level of protection needed.

Factors to consider include the type of tasks performed, the machinery involved, and the materials handled.

2.2 Examples of Hazards and Mitigation:

Sharp Objects: 18 gauge gloves, with their high level of cut resistance, provide effective protection against injuries from sharp objects such as metal shards or glass fragments.

Puncture Risks: The tight weave of 18 gauge gloves helps prevent punctures from nails, staples, or other sharp objects commonly found in construction or manufacturing environments.

3. Material Matters: Exploring Different Fabrics

3.1 Nylon:

Nylon is a common material used in 18 gauge gloves, known for its durability and flexibility.

Advantages include excellent abrasion resistance and a snug fit for enhanced dexterity.

However, nylon gloves may lack the same level of cut resistance as other materials.

3.2 HPPE (High-Performance Polyethylene):

HPPE is a high-strength synthetic fiber used in 18 gauge gloves for its exceptional cut resistance.

These gloves offer superior protection against cuts and abrasions while maintaining flexibility.

However, they may be less breathable than gloves made from other materials.

3.3 PU (Polyurethane) Coating:

Some 18 gauge gloves feature a polyurethane coating for added grip and dexterity.

This coating enhances the gloves' ability to handle slippery objects and provides a secure grip in various conditions.

4. Finding the Right Fit

4.1 Importance of Proper Sizing:

Ensuring the proper fit of gloves is essential for both comfort and effectiveness. Ill-fitting gloves can compromise dexterity and increase the risk of accidents. NMSafety's 18 gauge gloves come in a range of sizes to accommodate different hand shapes and sizes.

4.2 Tips for Measuring Hand Size:

To determine the appropriate glove size, workers should measure the circumference of their hand around the palm at its widest point. This measurement can then be matched to the sizing chart provided by NMSafety to find the perfect fit.

4.3 Discussion on Dexterity and Flexibility:

A proper fit is not just about comfort; it also impacts dexterity and flexibility. NMSafety's 18 gauge gloves are designed to provide a snug yet flexible fit, allowing workers to perform intricate tasks with ease while maintaining optimal protection.

5. Considering Additional Features

5.1 Exploring Grip Enhancements:

Many of NMSafety's 18 gauge gloves come with grip enhancements, such as textured palms or specialized coatings, to improve grip on slippery surfaces or objects. This feature is particularly beneficial in industries where handling of materials is common, such as manufacturing or construction.

5.2 Touchscreen Compatibility:

For industries where workers need to use touchscreen devices while wearing gloves, NMSafety offers 18 gauge gloves with touchscreen compatibility. This allows workers to operate devices without needing to remove their gloves, enhancing productivity and convenience.

5.3 Enhanced Performance and Safety:

These additional features not only enhance performance but also contribute to overall safety in specific work environments. By improving grip and dexterity, NMSafety's 18 gauge gloves help reduce the risk of accidents and injuries, ultimately leading to a safer workplace.

6. Budget Considerations and Long-Term Value

6.1 Balancing Cost-Effectiveness with Quality:

While cost is always a consideration, it's essential to balance cost-effectiveness with quality when choosing PPE. NMSafety offers 18 gauge gloves that strike the perfect balance between affordability and quality, ensuring that businesses get the best value for their investment.

6.2 Long-Term Value of High-Quality Gloves:

Investing in high-quality 18 gauge gloves from NMSafety pays off in the long run. These gloves are built to last, with superior durability and performance compared to cheaper alternatives. By investing in quality PPE, businesses can minimize the risk of accidents, reduce downtime, and ultimately save money in the long term.

6.3 Tips for Evaluating Cost Versus Benefits:

When evaluating different glove options, businesses should consider not only the upfront cost but also the long-term benefits. NMSafety's 18 gauge gloves offer exceptional value for money, providing reliable protection and comfort that pays dividends in terms of safety and productivity.

7. Exceptional Construction and Design

7.1 The Perfect Blend of Materials:

NMSafety's 18 gauge gloves boast a sophisticated construction, comprising a blend of nylon, HPPE (High-Performance Polyethylene), and steel fiber knitted liner. This combination ensures optimum durability, flexibility, and protection against cuts and abrasions.

7.2 Silicone Coating for Enhanced Performance:

What sets these gloves apart is the silicone coating on the palm. This coating not only enhances grip but also provides heat resistance, making them ideal for handling hot objects or materials. Additionally, the silicone coating contributes to the gloves' abrasion resistance, ensuring longevity even in the most demanding work environments.

7.3 Certifications and Standards

NMSafety's commitment to safety is evident in the certifications and standards adhered to by their 18 gauge gloves. These gloves comply with various international standards, including EN 388:2016 for mechanical risks and EN 407:2020 for heat resistance. With ANSI-CUT-A8, ANSI-Abrasion-6, and ANSI-Puncture-3 ratings, these gloves offer top-tier protection against a range of hazards.


In conclusion, choosing the right gloves for business needs is essential for ensuring the safety and well-being of workers. 18 gauge gloves, such as those manufactured by NMSafety, offer a versatile solution for a wide range of industries. By understanding industry requirements, assessing hazard levels, and considering the material composition of the gloves, businesses can make informed decisions to protect their workforce effectively. With their combination of protection, dexterity, and durability, 18 gauge gloves are a valuable asset in any workplace where safety is a priority.
